6 Facts About Erectile Dysfunction
1. The Myth: Erectile dysfunction only refers to one specific penis problem
The Truth: The definition of erectile dysfunction is not the same for every guy, says Daniel Williams, M.D., an associate professor in the department of urology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.
Commonly defined as the inability to get and keep an erection that’s satisfying enough for sex. Also known as impotence.
2. The Myth: Erectile dysfunction only affects older men
The Truth: It’s true that the occurrence of erectile dysfunction does increase with age, but it may happen to younger men.
According to a study in the American Journal of Medicine, 85 percent of men ages 20 to 39 say they “always” or “almost always” can get and maintain an erection good enough for sex.
That means 15 percent of men have difficulty with their erections at least occasionally during sex.
3. The Myth: Erectile dysfunction is caused by low testosterone
The Truth: One of the most enduring myths about erectile dysfunction is that it is a sign of low testosterone. As a result of this, impotence is often seen as an ‘emasculating’ or ‘unmanly’ condition, which means men can feel embarrassed about seeking help. While there is a relationship between low testosterone and ED, it is just one of a number of causes – and in many cases, men with lower than average testosterone levels are perfectly capable of getting an erection normally.
Men who have low testosterone and ED may be prescribed a combination of testosterone therapy and ED tablets; usually the testosterone on its own will not be sufficient for improving their erections.
In other words: Erectile dysfunction can be associated with low testosterone, however, it’s related to a number of different conditions and is not usually resolved through testosterone therapy.
4. The Myth: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is all in your head
The Truth: In many cases, erectile dysfunction is a combination of both physical and psychological factors, says Dr. Williams.
For instance, some ED may have a physical cause—usually a problem with the blood vessels that hampers blood flow to the penis.
But the more the men stress about the problem, the more difficult to achieve an erection.
So, before you meet with your doctor, keep a track record of when your erectile problems occur. That will help him or she determine what’s driving your ED—and figure out the best way to treat it.
5. The Myth: Is it something wrong with just my penis?
The Truth: Your erection often weak—or can’t get up—can actually alert you to underlying medical problems throughout your body.
Take for an example, heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol can damage your blood vessels, delaying blood flow to your penis
The vessels that supply blood to an erection are only one to two millimetres in diameter, whereas the heart is twice that size.
That means your erection may take some hit years before you might suffer chest pains or other symptoms of heart disease.
6. The Myth: You’re out of options and synthetic drugs do not work for you.
The Truth: Now you can do it with herbal medicine, Vitroman offer two ways of penis enlargement, Direct Action treatment (external) and Stimulating Vasodilation (internal). Direct Action treatment allows nutrients to deliver into the penis directly and quickly. While Stimulating Vasodilation effect in the body and give penile support internally. Use both products together; it forms a perfect penis enlargement for you.
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