YumTrade Blog

YumTrade Blog

Low Testosterone Affects Your Body

Low Testosterone

Low testosterone Testosterone is a hormone produced by the human body. It’s mainly produced in men by the testicles. Testosterone affects a man’s appearance and sexual development. It stimulates sperm production as well as a man’s sex drive. It also helps build muscle…

Cistanche, Important Sex Tonic


Cistanches are a tonic herb harvested in the desert regions in Mongolia and northern China. In traditional Chinese medicine, Cistanches is used to treat impotence and premature ejaculation and replenish blood and strengthen kidney functions. Reports are showing that Cistanches…

Cistanche, Important Sex Tonic


Cistanches are a tonic herb harvested in the desert regions in Mongolia and northern China. In traditional Chinese medicine, Cistanches treat impotence and premature ejaculation, replenish blood, and strengthen kidney functions. Reports are showing that Cistanches lowers blood pressure and…

How to enjoy sex even when you are turning 70!

There’s hope; An Herbal Supplement for Men Vitroman herbal supplements are designed to meet the needs of men’s vital parts by increasing circulation and supporting the immune system. The ingredients of the herbal supplement are scientifically extracted from well-known natural…

How to make sex more pleasurable – Catuaba


Research involving animal models has shown that Catuaba bark may enhance erectile strength by widening blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow to the penis. Catuaba may even have some neurological benefits due to its antioxidant content. It’s been observed…

How to Make Your Penis Bigger

Do you want significant & better penis erection? Every man would want to have something to help them increase penis hardness, and enhances penis sensitivity at some point of the time. And now, there’s a gel that would help you…