YumTrade Blog

YumTrade Blog

Toxic Shock Syndrome

Tampon, Toxic Shock Syndrome

Toxic Shock Syndrome Many women really appreciate tampons. It is unlikely that they will stop using them entirely. Once again, it is a risk/benefit issue. The following are suggestions that might help: Avoid using them for the entire period. Use…

Male/Female Tubal Obstruction

Herpes, Tubal Obstruction, Vaginal Infection, Vaginal lubricant, Infection, Pelvic, Infection of Pelvic, ERT, HRT, Estrogen, Inadequate, Vaginal, Lubricant

Female Tubal Obstruction Adhesions are scars which form on the outside of the oviducts. They tie down the tube; it cannot move at ovulation to scoop up the free-floating egg. Adhesions can be due to previous pelvic infections, or surgery.…


Trichomonas Vaginalis, Chlamydia

Chlamydia is the most common STD in the U.S. today, with as many as 4 million new cases each year. It causes about half the known cases of NGU (non-gonococcal urethritis) in men. It breeds on the cervix in women.…

Fertility Drugs

Fertility Drugs

There are different kinds of fertility drugs to stimulate the ovaries. Each has advantages and disadvantages in terms of time, negative side effects, cost, and so on. Some are taken orally, others require shots. Still, others are delivered via a…

Male Factor Infertility

Male Factor Infertility

The first and simplest fertility test involves a specimen of the male ejaculate. An average ejaculate contains one-half to one full teaspoon of semen. The average ejaculate volume after 3 days of abstinence is 3 to 5 cc. Sperm make…

Fertility Self-Help

Fertility, Pregnancy

The following are suggestions that can be helpful during the time of waiting for pregnancy to occur: Know the time of ovulation, and the entire fertile period. Check that love-making is sufficiently frequent. Avoid the “female superior” position; it allows…

Trichomonas Vaginalis

Trichomonas Vaginalis, Chlamydia

Trichomonas Vaginalis, or trich, is caused by a one-celled protozoan that grows rapidly within the vagina. Some women have an immediate and painful reaction to trich. Many more have asymptomatic trich; it is often only found if there are tests…