YumTrade Blog

YumTrade Blog

Impotence Trauma

sexual, male, impotence, vaginismustrauma, sex, lesbian, vaginismus, marital, sex ,solition

Here is illustrative of an etiological factor frequently encountered in vaginismus, that of the influence of channel visioned religious orthodoxy upon the immature and adolescent girl. When the couple was first seen in consultation, couple A’s marriage had existed unconsummated…

Impotence and Vaginismus

sexual, male, impotence, vaginismustrauma, sex, lesbian, vaginismus, marital, sex ,solition

The presence of involuntary muscular spasm in the outer third of the vaginal barrel, with the resultant severe constriction of the vaginal orifice, is obvious. The literature has remarked on an unusual physical response pattern of a woman afflicted with…

Orgasm: Women and Control

orgasm, pain at orgasm, myth, sexual, dysfunction

At a basic level, orgasm is a nervous system response that is stimulated by extreme sexual tension. The reflex which triggers orgasm is located in the spinal nerves and the unconscious brain. The ability to hold back can come from…

Sexual Dysfunction

orgasm, pain at orgasm, myth, sexual, dysfunction

The most common dysfunctions treated by sex therapists are: Anorgasmia: The women has never, or only rarely, reached orgasm. Delayed Ejaculation: The man can act sexually though seldom, if ever, climaxes in his partner’s presence. Erectile Insecurity: Also called impotence,…


orgasm, pain at orgasm, myth, sexual, dysfunction

Erection The clitoris is made of spongy tissue which can up fill with blood. This engorgement of tissue is vaso-congestion. Upon sexual arousal, extra blood from the pelvic arteries is pumped into the tissue, filling up the spongy spaces so…

Phantom Orgasm

orgasm, pain at orgasm, myth, sexual, dysfunction

Sadly in life, horrendous things do happen. Women can become paralyzed in their pelvic region from road accidents, disease, and so on. They can lose all sensation in their pelvic area. Yet many paralyzed women continue to be orgasmic. However,…

Orgasm: Party’s Over?

orgasm, pain at orgasm, myth, sexual, dysfunction

Some women have multiple orgasms. When they reach the orgasmic platform, they come again.., and again.., and again. It is not that the first orgasm was incomplete in any way. They are able to stay at a longer, later sexual…

Pain at Orgasm

orgasm, pain at orgasm, myth, sexual, dysfunction

Pain at orgasm can occur if the contractions of the uterus become very powerful. In a few cases, they can be as wracking as the cramps of a period. Why put up with unnecessary pain? Visit the physician promptly. The…


orgasm, pain at orgasm, myth, sexual, dysfunction

Put a check against any of the following which may have been a part of childhood learning: Sex is dirty and nasty. The act of love should end in orgasm. The man is the one to initiate making love. Women…

Orgasm: Men and Control

orgasm, pain at orgasm, myth, sexual, dysfunction

If erotic stimulation of the clitoris lasts from 1 to 10 minutes, 40 percent of women will have an orgasm. If stimulation lasts for 20 minutes, 90 percent will. If the clitoris is only stimulated at penetration, and for less…