YumTrade Blog

YumTrade Blog

Changes at Orgasm

orgasm, pain at orgasm, myth, sexual, dysfunction

The clitoris lengthens and thickens, reaching maximum size. Just before orgasm, it pulls back behind the foreskin (hood). The vagina dilates, the inner two-thirds widen and lengthen. The walls turn deep purple and are coated with lubricating fluid. The labia…

Stimulate sex

Alternative, erection treatment, impotent, impotence, erection, penis, stimulate sex, sexual dysfunction, Maintain, Erection, Maintain Erection

Sexual input can be blocked by any negative influence in the psychosocial system that distracts the male. If there has been a recent quarrel and his antagonistic wife plays a passive role in their next sexual encounter, evincing no pleasure…

Sexual Dysfunction in Husband & Wife

Alternative, erection treatment, impotent, impotence, erection, penis, stimulate sex, sexual dysfunction, Maintain, Erection, Maintain Erection

Of course, most wives would not consider public discussion of the sexual inadequacy in their marriages. For a variety of reasons, they choose to keep their own counsel. They may feel that their husband’s dysfunction has origin in, or at…

Penis Manipulation

Alternative, erection treatment, impotent, impotence, erection, penis, stimulate sex, sexual dysfunction, Maintain, Erection, Maintain Erection

When erections recur spontaneously, the wife is encouraged to place herself in the superior coital position, with her knees at or below his nipple line, before her sex play is directed toward penile manipulation. When the wife is comfortable in…

Maintain Erection

Alternative, erection treatment, impotent, impotence, erection, penis, stimulate sex, sexual dysfunction, Maintain, Erection, Maintain Erection

Once the husband and wife can mount with security, another specific male fear of performance will surface. Impotent men having achieved intromission successfully still have not satisfied their performance fears. They immediately question whether the penis will retain sufficient rigidity…

Impotent Remedy

Alternative, erection treatment, impotent, impotence, erection, penis, stimulate sex, sexual dysfunction, Maintain, Erection, Maintain Erection

Erective incompetence occasionally develops from physical causes at various stages in the life cycle. Anything from extremely low thyroid function in the third decade to a perineal prostatectomy in the sixth decade can and does result in secondary impotence. But…

Impotent in Marriage

Alternative, erection treatment, impotent, impotence, erection, penis, stimulate sex, sexual dysfunction, Maintain, Erection, Maintain Erection

A word must be said for the cooperative wives of sexually inadequate husbands. They may arrive in therapy frustrated, resentful, bitter, revengeful, or still devoted to this man of their choice. Regardless of the manner in which they approach therapy,…

Impotence Cure

Alternative, erection treatment, impotent, impotence, erection, penis, stimulate sex, sexual dysfunction, Maintain, Erection, Maintain Erection

Impotence is not a naturally occurring phenomenon. Yet there are men who never experience intromission regardless of available coital opportunity; they have been identified as primarily impotent. There are men, having succeeded in coital opportunity on single or multiple occasions,…

Erections Demand

Alternative, erection treatment, impotent, impotence, erection, penis, stimulate sex, sexual dysfunction, Maintain, Erection, Maintain Erection

Demand for male sexual performance is never made by authority. Historically, years of failure in treatment for sexual dysfunction has pinpointed the fact that, regardless of length, depth, concept, or technique of therapy, at some point in time the therapist…

Alternative Impotent Treatment

Alternative, erection treatment, impotent, impotence, erection, penis, stimulate sex, sexual dysfunction, Maintain, Erection, Maintain Erection

Often both husband and wife find that partial or complete penile erection develops when they are merely following directions to pursue alternative sensate patterns of “pleasuring” one another without direct physical approach to the pelvic areas. Whether a full erection…