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Alternative Erection Treatment

Alternative, erection treatment, impotent, impotence, erection, penis, stimulate sex, sexual dysfunction, Maintain, Erection, Maintain Erection

The basic means of treating the sexually distraught marital relationship is, of course, to re-establish communication. The most effective means of encouraging communication is through a detailed presentation of information. There must be a point of departure, a common meeting…

Irregular Periods

male, self, help, body weight, fertility drugs, premature ejaculation, irregular periods, biological clock, menopause, infertility, fertility problems

When a fertilized egg arrives in the uterus, the lining must be precisely prepared to receive it. If the egg is released too soon or too late, the uterus lining will be either too immature or too ripe for implantation.…

The Biological Clock

male, self, help, body weight, fertility drugs, premature ejaculation, irregular periods, biological clock, menopause, infertility, fertility problems

The ovaries have a lifetime supply of egg follicles from birth. These ripen into eggs, which can be fertilized to produce pregnancy. By age 30, the eggs have been present for some time. In problems of fertility, the quality of…

Seeking Donation

male, self, help, body weight, fertility drugs, premature ejaculation, irregular periods, biological clock, menopause, infertility, fertility problems

Sperm Donation: If the man cannot provide sperm, the couple can use a sperm bank. The sperm are put into the vagina via a catheter, and make their way up to the oviducts. The donor, often a medical student, is…


male, self, help, body weight, fertility drugs, premature ejaculation, irregular periods, biological clock, menopause, infertility, fertility problems

The following are suggestions which can be helpful during the time of waiting for pregnancy to occur: Know the time of ovulation, and the entire fertile period. Check that love making is sufficiently frequent. Avoid the “female superior” position; it…

Male/Female Tubal Obstruction

male, self, help, body weight, fertility drugs, premature ejaculation, irregular periods, biological clock, menopause, infertility, fertility problems

Adhesions are scars which form on the outside of the oviducts. They tie down the tube; it cannot move at ovulation to scoop up the free-floating egg. Adhesions can be due to previous pelvic infections, or surgery. If the scarring…

Male Factor Infertility

male, self, help, body weight, fertility drugs, premature ejaculation, irregular periods, biological clock, menopause, infertility, fertility problems

The first and simplest fertility test involves a specimen of the male ejaculate. An average ejaculate contains one-half to one full teaspoon of semen. The average ejaculate volume after 3 days of abstinence is 3 to 5 cc. Sperm make…

Looking Inside – Laparoscopy


A laparoscopy is a surgical procedure to examine the internal structures. A coloured solution is introduced into the uterus via the vagina and cervix. The laparoscope is inserted through a small cut in the abdomen wall. When the tubes are…

Frequency of love making

love making, make love, pregnancy

Ninety-two percent of couples can expect pregnancy to occur within 18 months of intercourse without contraception. If under age 25, some fertility experts recommend waiting between 18 months and a full two years. It is recommended that couples over age…

Other Fertility Tests

male, self, help, body weight, fertility drugs, premature ejaculation, irregular periods, biological clock, menopause, infertility, fertility problems

There are many different tests to find the cause of fertility problems. They include: Evaluation of cervical mucus. This involves an examination of mucus production, which may be scanty and blocking the sperm. Postcoital tests. These occur after intercourse to…