YumTrade Blog

YumTrade Blog

Impotent and Sexual Performance

sexual performance

Regardless of the particular form of sexual inadequacy with which both members of the couple are contending. Fears of sexual performance are of major concern to both partners in the marital bed. The impotent male’s fears of performance can be described…

Sex and Pelvic Infection

sex, pelvic infection

When considering intense pain elicited during coital functioning as opposed to vaginal aching or irritation, the therapist generally should look beyond the confines of the vaginal barrel for existent pathology involving the reproductive viscera.

Problems of Dyspareunia


There have been three cases referred as problems of dyspareunia in which individual women were involved in gang-rape experiences. In all three instances there were multiple coital connections, episodes of simultaneous rectal and vaginal mountings, and finally traumatic tearing of soft tissues of the pelvis associated with forceful introduction of foreign objects into the vagina.

Male Sex Distress


Among the most distressing of the many factors in dyspareunia are the complaints of burning, itching, or aching in the vagina during or after intercourse. The existence of chronic vaginal irritation frequently robs women of their full freedom of sexual expresssion, for they are well aware that any specific coital connection may be severely irritative rather than highly stimulative.

Penile Chordee or Curved Penis

curved penis

A disease produced by induration and fibrosis of the corpora cavernosa of the penis and evidenced as an upward bowing of the penis, plus a gradually increasing angulation to the right or left of the midline, makes coital connection somewhat difficult, and in advanced stages, coition is virtually impossible.

How to Improve Sexual Interest

sexual interest

Yet another advantage of the social-isolation factor is its effect upon the sexual interest of both marital partners. With the subject of sex exposed to daily consideration, sexual stimulation usually elevates rapidly and accrues to the total relationship. This specific psycho physiological support is indeed welcome to the cotherapists dealing with the blocking of sexual stimuli in individuals distressed by sexual inadequacy.

Condoms Allergies


Aside from direct infective agents, there are many other sources of burning, itching, or aching in the vaginal barrel that can produce chronic dyspareunia. Among those most frequently encountered are the sensitivity reactions associated with intravaginal chemical contraceptive materials.

9 Benefits of Tongkat Ali

tongkat ali, benefits of tongkat ali, tongkat ali benefits

Tongkat Ali is known as Eurycoma Longifolia, Long Jack, Pasak Bumi, and Malaysian Ginseng. The herb is a slim and slender tree that grows along the hills of the rainforests of Southeastern Asia. Tongkat Ali in Malay means “Ali’s Walking…