YumTrade Blog

YumTrade Blog

Sexual Health

At onset of the program, couples were requested to devote three weeks of their time to the therapeutic program. This concept of time commitment was maintained for the first two years of this clinical research program. Evaluation of sexual experience made clear…

Penile Chordee or Curved Penis

Curve Penis Peyronie A disease produced by induration and fibrosis of the corpora cavernosa of the penis and evidenced as an upward bowing of the penis, plus a gradually increasing angulation to the right or left of the midline, makes…

Sex Therapeutic Procedures

In therapeutic procedure involving the dual-sex teams, the control within the team rests primarily with the silent cotherapist during treatment sessions. The silent cotherapist is literally in charge of each therapeutic session. He or she, as the observer, is watching…

Impotent and Sexual Performance

Regardless of the particular form of sexual inadequacy with which both members of the couple are contending. Fears of sexual performance are of major concern to both partners in the marital bed. The impotent male’s fears of performance can be described…

Sex and Pelvic Infection

When considering intense pain elicited during coital functioning as opposed to vaginal aching or irritation, the therapist generally should look beyond the confines of the vaginal barrel for existent pathology involving the reproductive viscera. Acute or chronic infections and endometriosis…

Penis Irritations

Many men complain: Burning, itching, and irritation after coital connection with women contending with chronic or acute vaginal infections. Not infrequently small blisters appear on the glans penis, particularly around the urethral outlet. If there are any abrasions on either…

Know About Breast Changes

breast changes

Most women have changes in their breasts during their lifetime. Many of these changes are caused by hormones. For example, your breasts may feel more lumpy or tender at different times in your menstrual cycle. Other breast changes can be caused by the normal aging process. Breast shape and appearance…

Measurement & Bra

cup size, bra, breast size. Measurement

Make sure the tape measure is straight when you go around. Breast Frame The breast frame is the diameter around your chest just below your breasts. Using a tape measure, measure around your ribcage directly under your breasts. With the…

Sexual Beginning – Masturbation


The entire sexual development of women in present-day society, from childhood to motherhood, is better educated and informed. But sex education for young children remains a dilemma for parents. We know the appearance of menstrual is a sign of puberty…

Female Sexual Dysfunction

Female, Sexual, Dysfunction

Persistent, recurrent problems with sexual response, desire, orgasm, or pain — that distress you or strain your relationship with your partner — are known medically as sexual dysfunction. In the past, the socio-cultural requisite that the female dissembles her sexual…