YumTrade Blog

YumTrade Blog

Female Orgasm and Influence


Professionals many times look for a specific influence or conditioning that predetermines sexual failure, and in most instances, it can be identified if the delving goes deep enough. There are, however, instances of neither positive nor negative dominance by either…

Female Orgasm and Religion


While the multiplicity of etiological influences is acknowledged, the factor of religious orthodoxy still remains of major import in primary orgasmic dysfunction as in almost every form of human sexual inadequacy. In the total of 193 women who have never…

Sign of Female Orgasmic Dysfunction

Breast Enhancement, Female Primary Orgasmic Dysfunction, Female Orgasmic Dysfunction

In order to be diagnosed as having primary orgasmic dysfunction, a woman must report a lack of orgasmic attainment during her entire lifespan. There is no definition of male sexual dysfunction that parallels this severity of exclusion. If a male…

Female Primary Orgasmic Dysfunction

Breast Enhancement, Female Primary Orgasmic Dysfunction, Female Orgasmic Dysfunction

Female Primary Orgasmic Dysfunction Describes a condition whereby neither the biophysical nor the psychosocial systems of influence that are required for the effective sexual function is sufficiently dominant to respond to the psychosexually stimulative opportunities provided by self-manipulation, partner manipulation,…

Cause of Female Orgasmic Dysfunction


Origin of Orgasmic Dysfunction The potential for orgasmic dysfunction highlighted in the psychosocial-sexual histories of those women in marital couples referred to the Foundation can be described in a composite profile. A baseline of dysfunctional distress was provided by specific…

Psycho Physiological Influence of Orgasm


The human female’s facility of physiological response to sexual tensions and her capacity for orgasmic release never have been fully appreciated. Lack of comprehension may have resulted from the fact that functional evaluation was filtered through the encompassing influence of…

Orgasmic Dysfunction In Women

Anal Sex, Sexual Behaviour, Sex Drive, Orgasmic Dysfunction In Women, Vitro Fertilization

Since, as far as is known, elevated levels of female sexual tension are not technically necessary to conception, the natural function of woman’s sexuality has been repressed in the service of false propriety and restricted by other unnecessary psychosocial controls…

Menopause Dryness

性卫生, Menopause Dryness, Lining Walls

Menopause Dryness Dry eyes Dry eyes can be common as we age. The signs of dry eyes are itching, a scratchy feeling, redness, tearing, tingling, and irritation. Paradoxically, dry eyes can cause excessive tearing. Eyelashes fall out more easily as…

Menopause Gain and Hair Loss


Changes in the hair are common as people age. Scalp and pubic hair gets thinner and loses body; simultaneously, hair may sprout and thicken in unaccustomed and undesirable places such as the chin, the upper lip, and the abdomen! Hair…

Menopause Insomnia and Fatique

What is Menopause, Menopause, Progesterone, Menopause Insomnia, Menopause Cessation

Menopause Insomnia Almost everyone has trouble falling or staying asleep once in a while or wakes up tired in spite of having spent “enough” hours in bed. However, insomnia often increases in women who are going through menopause. Nearly one-fourth…