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Menopause and Period

尿失禁, Menopause, Period, Estrogen, Osteoporosis, Women

Menopause and Period Most women experience some form of discomfort 1-2 weeks before or during their menstrual period. As they get closer to menopause, both psychological and physical symptoms may intensify. Cramps, back pain, bloating, swollen and tender breasts, food…

Menopause Aches and Pains

Dyspareunia, Breast,Female,Sexual Dysfunction,Female Sexual Dysfunction, Menopause Aches and Pains, Non-Orgasmic

Menopause Aches and Pains Aches and pains are usually the body’s way of indicating that something is wrong. But having said that, we must note that aches and pains grow more common in older people as muscles and joints age.…

Menopause and Progesterone

What is Menopause, Menopause, Progesterone, Menopause Insomnia, Menopause Cessation

Progesterone This hormone is also important for a woman’s health during and after menopause. As explained, progesterone influences your mood and protects against several serious health problems. Your menstrual cycle, skin, and breasts together with estrogen, progesterone regulate your menstrual…

Female Hormones

Female, Hormone, Female Hormone, Imbalance Female Hormone, Female Hormones

We learn that cessation of menstrual would also mean the cessation of ovarian activity. The ovary being both an endocrine and an exocrine gland, its function is not restricted to ovulation; it also collaborates with some of the other endocrine…

Menopause and Lifestyle

What is Menopause, Menopause, Progesterone, Menopause Insomnia, Menopause Cessation

Is menopause a sign of aging or hormone imbalance? Although science has been studying aging for decades, we’re still not sure what aging actually is, let alone what causes it. One theory is that to a certain extent aging is…

Menopause Cessation

What is Menopause, Menopause, Progesterone, Menopause Insomnia, Menopause Cessation

As we know, the most striking symptom indicating the change of life is the sudden or gradual cessation of the menses at a suitably advanced age. As regards the manner of this menopause cessation of the menses, the most varied…

Menopause Information

What is Menopause, Menopause, Progesterone, Menopause Insomnia, Menopause Cessation

Commonly known as the “change of life,” it is the period in a woman’s life when her reproductive capacity ceases, the ovaries ceasing to mature ova and to render them capable of fertilization, in addition, it also stops producing the…

What is Menopause?

What is Menopause, Menopause, Progesterone, Menopause Insomnia, Menopause Cessation

What is Menopause? Women often feel confused about just what this important passage will do to their lives and how they should approach it. Part of the reason is that no one (doctor, friend, or scientific study) can tell a…

Female Sex and Male Infections

Sex, Male, Female, Infection, Female Sex, Man Infection

Usually of the dull, aching variety, develops for some men who spend a significant amount of time in sexual play or in reading pornographic literature, concurrently maintaining erections for lengthy periods of time without ejaculating within the immediate present. Frequent…

Accompanying Testicular Vasocongestion


Many men are distracted from and even denied effective sexual functioning by painful stimuli occasioned during or after sexual functioning. The symptoms will be described in relation to the anatomical site of pain, the external anatomy, such as the surface…