Category Women’s Health

Sex Drive

For many women, a basic homophile orientation is a major etiological factor in heterosexual orgasmic dysfunction. For those women committed to homosexual expression, lack of orgasmic return from heterosexual opportunity is of no consequence. But there are a large number…

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breast changes

Know About Breast Changes

Most women have changes in their breasts during their lifetime. Many of these changes are caused by hormones. For example, your breasts may feel more lumpy or tender at different times in your menstrual cycle. Other breast changes can be caused by the normal aging process. Breast shape and appearance…

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cup size, bra, breast size. Measurement

Measurement & Bra

Make sure the tape measure is straight when you go around. Breast Frame The breast frame is the diameter around your chest just below your breasts. Using a tape measure, measure around your ribcage directly under your breasts. With the…

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