Category Women’s Health

What is Menopause, Menopause, Progesterone, Menopause Insomnia, Menopause Cessation

Menopause and Progesterone

Progesterone This hormone is also important for a woman’s health during and after menopause. As explained, progesterone influences your mood and protects against several serious health problems. Your menstrual cycle, skin, and breasts together with estrogen, progesterone regulate your menstrual…

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Female, Hormone, Female Hormone, Imbalance Female Hormone, Female Hormones

Female Hormones

We learn that cessation of menstrual would also mean the cessation of ovarian activity. The ovary being both an endocrine and an exocrine gland, its function is not restricted to ovulation; it also collaborates with some of the other endocrine…

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