YumTrade Health Info

lubrication, sexual lubrication

Sexual Lubrication

Probably the most frequent cause for dyspareunia originating with symptoms of burning, itching, or aching is a lack of adequate production of vaginal lubrication with sexual functioning. During attempted penile intromission or with long-maintained coital connection, there must be adequate…

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orgasm dysfunction

Orgasm Dysfunction

The potential for orgasm dysfunction: highlighted in the psychosocial-sexual histories of those women in marital units referred to the Foundation can be described in a composite profile. A baseline of dysfunctional distress was provided by specific material recalled not only…

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Inadequate, Orgasm

Inadequate Orgasm

To consider situationally non-orgasmic, a woman must have experienced at least one instance of orgasmic expression, regardless of whether it was induced by self or by partner manipulation, developed during vaginal or rectal coital connection, or stimulated by the oral-genital…

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