YumTrade Health Info

Impotence, intercourse position, sexual function, sexual intercourse, sexual pleasure, erectile dysfunction, orgasm, ejaculation, penis treatment, Female, Top, Position, Female Position

Intercourse Position

The husband is directed to place himself in a sitting (slightly reclining, if desired) position, with his back against a comfortable placement of pillows at the headboard of the bed. With the husband’s legs adequately separated to allow his wife…

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Impotence, intercourse position, sexual function, sexual intercourse, sexual pleasure, erectile dysfunction, orgasm, ejaculation, penis treatment, Female, Top, Position, Female Position

Female on Top Position

When the marital partners extend their psychosensory interchange to coition in the female-superior position, the wife once mounted is instructed to hold herself quite still and simply to absorb the awareness of penile containment. Interspersed with moments of sensate pleasure…

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sexually transmitted diseases, impotent, sexual performance, sex, sexual dysfunction, sexual therapy, sexual intercourse

Sexual Health

At onset of the program, couples were requested to devote three weeks of their time to the therapeutic program. This concept of time commitment was maintained for the first two years of this clinical research program. Evaluation of sexual experience made clear…

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sexually transmitted diseases, impotent, sexual performance, sex, sexual dysfunction, sexual therapy, sexual intercourse

Sex Therapist

If there are to be dual-sex therapy teams, what roles do the individual cotherapists play? What guidelines do they follow? What therapeutic procedures ensue? What should be their qualifications as professionals in this sensitive, emotionally charged area? These are all…

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