YumTrade Health Info

ed, erectile dysfunction, sexual dysfuntion

ED in Aging Male

Composite case studies have been selected to identify and illustrate the dysfunctional characteristics of the male aging process. Both Mr. and Mrs. A were 66 and 62 years of age when referred to the Foundation for sexual inadequacy. They had…

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aging male, sex, aging male sex

Aging Male Sex

The natural aging process creates a number of specific physiological changes in the male cycle of sexual response. Knowledge of these cycle variations has not been widely disseminated. There has been the little concept of a physiological basis for differentiating…

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aging male

Aging Male & Female

Arbitrarily, statistics reflecting the failure rates of treatment procedures for sexual dysfunction in the aging population will be considered in this section rather than dividing the material between the discussions of sexual inadequacy in the aging male and female. A…

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grape seed extract

10 Healthy Benefits of Grape Seed Extract

Grape seed extract (GSE) is a dietary supplement made by removing, drying, and pulverizing the bitter-tasting seeds of grapes. Grape seeds are rich in antioxidants, including phenolic acids, anthocyanins, flavonoids, and oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs). In fact, GSE is one of the best-known sources of proanthocyanidins. Due to its high antioxidant content, GSE can help prevent disease and protect against oxidative stress, tissue damage, and inflammation.

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Male Libido

Random orgasmic inadequacy is illustrated in the history below. With but two episodes of orgasmic attainment in her life, Mrs. H provides a history of one manipulative and one coital effort to orgasmic release. Her two highlighted sexual experiences were as much of a surprise to her when they occurred as they were to her husband.

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