YumTrade Health Info


Inadequate Orgasm

To consider situationally non-orgasmic, a woman must have experienced at least one instance of orgasmic expression, regardless of whether it was induced by self or by partner manipulation, developed during vaginal or rectal coital connection, or stimulated by the oral-genital exchange.

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Sex, Pelvic Syndromes

One of the most obscure of pelvic pathological syndromes, yet one of the most psychosexually crippling, is traumatic laceration of the ligaments supporting the uterus. This syndrome was described clinically. Five women have been referred to the Foundation for relief…

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joints joint pain

5 Tips to Protect Your Joints

A joint or articulation is the connection made between bones in the body which link the skeletal system into a functional whole. They are constructed to allow for different degrees and types of movement. Some joints, such as the knee, elbow, and shoulder, are self-lubricating, almost frictionless, and are able to withstand compression and maintain heavy loads while still executing smooth and precise movements

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Catuaba – Improved Sexual Health for Men

Catuaba is not a fertility god, Catuaba is actually a small, flowering tree that’s native to the Amazon. Among the trees used for Catuaba (a tribal word meaning "what gives strength to the Indian") are Erythroxylum caatingae, Trichilia catigua, Anemopaegma arvense, and Micropholis caudata. Hundreds of years ago, Brazil’s native Tupi tribe discovered that Catuaba bark has aphrodisiac qualities.  Drinking Catuaba tea to spawn erotic dreams and boost libido became a part of their culture.

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