Tag Female

Impotence, intercourse position, sexual function, sexual intercourse, sexual pleasure, erectile dysfunction, orgasm, ejaculation, penis treatment, Female, Top, Position, Female Position

Female on Top Position

When the marital partners extend their psychosensory interchange to coition in the female-superior position, the wife once mounted is instructed to hold herself quite still and simply to absorb the awareness of penile containment. Interspersed with moments of sensate pleasure…

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orgasm, pain at orgasm, myth, sexual, dysfunction

Phantom Orgasm

Sadly in life, horrendous things do happen. Women can become paralyzed in their pelvic region from road accidents, disease, and so on. They can lose all sensation in their pelvic area. Yet many paralyzed women continue to be orgasmic. However,…

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male, self, help, body weight, fertility drugs, premature ejaculation, irregular periods, biological clock, menopause, infertility, fertility problems

Fertility Problems

Problem Areas Some women get pregnant very easily. Others believe it is a miracle when they finally conceive. Fertility problems are now regarded as “couple problems,” yet the breakdown between the genders is interesting. Infertility can result from: Male problems:…

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male, self, help, body weight, fertility drugs, premature ejaculation, irregular periods, biological clock, menopause, infertility, fertility problems

Body Weight

Fat cells absorb and release the female hormone estrogen. In women who are overweight, estrogen is not only produced by the ovaries, but also from the extra fat cells in other parts of the body. This release of extra estrogen…

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aging male

Aging Male & Female

Arbitrarily, statistics reflecting the failure rates of treatment procedures for sexual dysfunction in the aging population will be considered in this section rather than dividing the material between the discussions of sexual inadequacy in the aging male and female. A…

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