Tag Sexual

Problems,Dyspareunia,Male,Sex,Distress,Male Sex,Male Distress,Sex Distress,Male Sex Distress,Curve,Penis,Curve Penis, distress, dyspareunia, penis, pelvic infection, sex, Sexual,Lubrication,Sexual Lubrication

Sexual Lubrication

Probably the most frequent cause for dyspareunia originating with symptoms of burning, itching, or aching is lack of adequate production of vaginal lubrication with sexual functioning. During attempted penile intromission or with long-maintained coital connection, there must be adequate lubrication…

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Sexual Trauma History

The following history exemplifies onset of vaginismus subsequent to episodes of psychosexual trauma. There have been three women referred to therapy so physically and emotionally traumatized by unwelcome sexual attack that vaginismus developed subsequent to their traumatic experiences. Couple C When…

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orgasm, pain at orgasm, myth, sexual, dysfunction

Sexual Dysfunction

The most common dysfunctions treated by sex therapists are: Anorgasmia: The women has never, or only rarely, reached orgasm. Delayed Ejaculation: The man can act sexually though seldom, if ever, climaxes in his partner’s presence. Erectile Insecurity: Also called impotence,…

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orgasm, pain at orgasm, myth, sexual, dysfunction


Erection The clitoris is made of spongy tissue which can up fill with blood. This engorgement of tissue is vaso-congestion. Upon sexual arousal, extra blood from the pelvic arteries is pumped into the tissue, filling up the spongy spaces so…

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Phantom Orgasm

Sadly in life, horrendous things do happen. Women can become paralyzed in their pelvic region from road accidents, disease, and so on. They can lose all sensation in their pelvic area. Yet many paralyzed women continue to be orgasmic. However,…

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sex partner, sexual dysfunction, impotence, sexual replacement, partner surrogate

Sexual Replacement

Thirteen women have accompanied unmarried men to the Foundation, agreeing to serve as replacement partners to support these men during treatment for sexual dysfunction. In all instances, both individuals were accepted in therapy with full knowledge of the referring authority.…

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sex partner, sexual dysfunction, impotence, sexual replacement, partner surrogate

Sexual Failure

Several episodes of erective failure had developed during the last six months of the marriage. The man’s severe levels of distraction, created by the ambiguity of his commitments, were obvious. The non ejaculatory pattern was one of first withholding voluntarily…

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