What is Menopause?
Women often feel confused about just what this important passage will do to their lives and how they should approach it. Part of the reason is that no one (doctor, friend, or scientific study) can tell a woman what her own menopause will be like. Every woman goes through menopause in a unique and different way.
Some of the natural changes of aging appear concurrently with menopause, so it may be difficult to separate the signs and symptoms related to menopause from other changes that may warrant medical attention.
Menopause marks the beginning of the second half of life or the turning of life. Although this change is to be expected, our society tends to be to ignore and exaggerate its importance. And because we are so youth-orientated, most viewed menopause as aging.
Instead, why not rejoice in the arrival of menopause?
It is time to say goodbye to heavy periods, PMS, reproduction, and sexual desirability.
Becoming well informed is not easy. To whom can we turn for reliable, safe, and personalized health care information. For whatever reason, most women are not getting all the information they need about menopause from their doctors.
Research has revealed that only about one-third of women in menopause receive education about the process from their doctors. Many feel hesitant about talking to their doctors and they have trouble finding a doctor who would simply listen to their concerns. Not all doctors think menopause should be treated since it is a natural process.
Most menopausal women are prescribed HRT and they wondered whether it’s really possible to find some answers elsewhere. Those facing menopause often have a feeling of uncertainty. They may fear the loss of control or feeling “out of sorts.” Having no set expectations makes the anticipation worse.
While a minority of women report no symptoms of menopause, the usual course is that a woman will begin feeling changes during perimenopause, which can last from two to five years leading up to menopause.
Just like during puberty, the preparation of the entire organism for the phase of sexual maturity is gradual, so the transition to the changes characteristic of menopause takes place gradually, producing a series of symptoms known as climacteric symptoms.
It would be difficult to establish that the period of change in all cases precedes old age, as the climacteric often reaches old age. It marks the commencement of the aging of the entire body, and particularly of the genital organs.
Positive menopause approach
Menopause is not a disease or a medical condition. There is nothing dreadful about it but rather a time of physical, spiritual, emotional, and freedom. If you haven’t agreed with me, think about all the positive physical changes in menopause.
No more period cramps, tampons, or pads, no embarrassing leaks and stains, no PMS, no more painful swollen breast, migraine, and mood swings! And the happiest freedom, no more fear of pregnancy. Some women enjoy greater sex with newfound freedom.
As we mature, we become more accepting of our appearances. Many women choose this special time to rediscover their life, and dreams and find their inner self, the inner beauty. Let your inner beauty shine with strength, wisdom, and experience. Get basic knowledge of menopause and it will help you understand how it can affect you on related problems and treatment.